Welcome to Election 2000! This page is the primary resource on the World Wide Web for information on elections in Alabama that are scheduled for the year 2000.
The purpose of this page is to provide you a quick reference to answer questions you may have about such topics as voter registration, the dates of the elections, and voting procedures. Use the links below to explore the information we have already posted
Use the links below to explore the information we have already posted ... and return on a regular basis to keep up with new information we will be posting as the election year progresses!
General Information
2000 Voter Guide
Important Dates (general calendar)
Polling Place Facts (hours; voting equipment)
FCPA Filing Calendar
Offices up for Election (preliminary)
Minimum qualifications for public office
Voter registration
Presidential candidate ballot access information
Sample Independent Candidate Ballot Access Petition
Sample Independent Presidential Candidate Ballot Access Petition
Sample Minor Party Ballot Access Petition
Links to political party web sites
General Election - November 7, 2000
Secretary Bennett's Comments at the Electoral College Ceremonies Held December 19, 2000
Election Results:
- Precinct-level results
- President (web page; viewable on-line)
- President, U.S. House, Alabama Supreme Court, Appeals Courts, Circuit Court, State Board of Education (choose Microsoft Excel workbook or Adobe Acrobat PDF file)
- District Court and Circuit Clerks (choose Microsoft Excel workbook or Adobe Acrobat PDF file)
- State and local proposed constitutional amendments (choose Microsoft Excel workbook or Adobe Acrobat PDF file)
Presidential Electors (HTML document; viewable on-line)
Candidate List (HTML document; viewable on-line)
Candidate List (downloadable Acrobat file)
Proposed statewide constitutional amendments (ballot language)
Proposed local constitutional amendments (ballot language)
Primary Run-off Election - June 27, 2000
Primary Election - June 6, 2000
Election Results - Precinct-level - Democratic & Republican (ZIP archive of Microsoft Excel files)
Election Results - Democratic & Republican Party (selected offices)
Election Results - Republican Party Primary (county level; ZIP archive of Microsoft Excel files)
Election Results - Proposed Constitutional Amendment (county level; Microsoft Excel file)
Political Party Delegate Lists
Candidate List (downloadable Microsoft Excel file)
Proposed Constitutional Amendment (ballot language)